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Inspired By Disneyland, Family Makes $350 Million Theme Park Fortune

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Five decades ago, while in his early-20s, Roland Mack boarded a flight to the US that swiftly led to major changes for one of Europe’s longest-running business dynasties.

His family had made a living for almost two centuries crafting everything from trailers to carousels to roller coasters for carnivals. But after visiting several amusement parks on that early 1970s trip — including Disneyland — Roland and his father decided to create something similar in their native Germany.

Now, after building one of the world’s largest theme parks, the Macks are expecting 2023 to be one of the busiest years for their Europa-Park, which drew about 6 million visitors last year. They plan to continue expanding even as rising inflation curtails consumer spending.

Read the full story on Bloomberg here.