Start Your Customized Demo
Gain access to the world’s largest database of wealthy individuals to uncover, understand and engage your target audience and mitigate risk.
Wealth-X is the leading global wealth information and insight business, partnering with prestige brand across the financial services, luxury, not-for-profit and higher education industries. We believe in the power of applied wealth intelligence to drive success for our clients.
Proprietary Database of Wealthy Individuals
Explore the largest collection of global data on individuals in the highest wealth tiers
- UHNW (ultra high net worth – $30 million plus)
- VHNW (very high net worth – $5 million to $29 million)
- HNW (high net worth – $1 million to $5 million)
Access detailed insight into
- Career history
- Known associates, including advisors and decision makers
- Affiliations, including boards and private clubs
- Family background
- Education
- Philanthropic giving history
- Personal passions, hobbies, and interests
- …and much more
We include coverage of 30+ languages. Learn how Wealth-X Data can enhance your organization’s prospecting efforts with a personalized demonstration.