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Billionaire John Paulson Sued For Securities Fraud By Puerto Rico Partner

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John Paulson was sued by his longtime business partner in Puerto Rico, who alleges the hedge fund billionaire made fraudulent claims to convince him to invest $17 million in a luxury automobile dealership on the island.

Fahad Ghaffar filed suit Wednesday in federal court in Puerto Rico, asking for more than $50 million in damages from Paulson. Ghaffar claims Paulson told him in February 2022 that he would be investing his money in a convertible note that would eventually give him 50% ownership in the dealership, F40, which a Paulson family trust had just bought for $103 million.

But Ghaffar claims he was never given the note, despite wiring the money. He further alleges that he became chief executive officer of F40, working without pay, based on the promised terms of the note. He claims Paulson emailed him in August to remove him from his role at F40.

Read the full story on Bloomberg here.