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China Unveils $72 Billion Tax Break For Green Cars To Spur Demand

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China unveiled on Wednesday a 520 billion yuan ($72.3 billion) package to boost sales of electric vehicles (EVs) and other green cars over the next four years to prop up softening auto demand, sending shares of automakers sharply higher.

The package, widely expected after an earlier government pledge to promote the industry, comes as softening sales in the world’s biggest auto market has raised concern over economic growth which is losing momentum after a brisk start to the year.

New energy vehicles (NEVs) purchased in 2024 and 2025 will be exempted from purchase tax amounting to as much as 30,000 yuan per vehicle, with the exemption halving for purchases made in 2026 and 2027, the Ministry of Finance said in a statement.

Read the full story on Reuters here.