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Millennial Banana Heir Noboa Wins Ecuador Presidential Vote

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A 35-year-old business leader from a wealthy fruit-exporting dynasty, Daniel Noboa, will be Ecuador’s next president after winning Sunday’s election pledging to restore order to a nation torn by violence.

Investor-favorite Noboa beat his socialist opponent Luisa Gonzalez 52% to 48% in the runoff with more than 94% of votes tallied, according to preliminary data from the electoral authority. Gonzalez conceded.

Noboa, a political novice, has a year and a half to get a grip on a country besieged by powerful cocaine cartels, struggling to service its debt, and beset by instability in congress that has made it difficult to pass laws or raise taxes. His caretaker government will hold office from December until 2025, although he can run for reelection.

Read the full story on Bloomberg here.