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Nations Haggle Over Targets To Cut Shipping’s Huge Emissions

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Shipping’s climate impact rarely gets the same attention as planes or cars. But it’s still a major polluter, responsible for almost 3% of manmade CO2 emissions. Seaborne trade is expected to get even bigger between now and 2050, making the industry’s energy transition — or lack of — all the more important.

Run by the London-based International Maritime Organization, the global regulator, this week’s talks are part of a long and slow-moving series of international meetings about what green goals the industry should aim for, and how it might get there.

By the end of this week there should be a major new target, though exactly how that’s phrased is yet to be decided. A draft document seen by Bloomberg News on Friday had the industry agreeing to try and reach net zero “around” 2050.

Read the full story on Bloomberg here.