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T. Denny Sanford Donates $10 Million To Dakota State University

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T. Denny Sanford has given another $10 million to Dakota State University’s cyber-research initiative, which includes the construction of a cyber applied research lab in Sioux Falls set for completion in 2026.

Sanford’s most recent donation totals $60 million in support for the initiative from Sanford alone, and more than $100 million for the entire initiative with public-private partnerships like $10 million from the city of Sioux Falls, $30 million from the state and $250,000 from Forward Sioux Falls, according to past Argus Leader reporting.

The initiative aims to grow a cyber-research industry in South Dakota by building a cyber research workforce pipeline and expanding facilities for cyber professionals to work. Researchers currently work in the applied research lab in Madison, but the 100,000 square foot Sioux Falls facility under construction could house 400 more cyber research workers.

Read the full story here.