Which universities produce and/or attract the world’s wealthiest individuals? And how do wealthy alumni compare across universities? To answer these questions, Wealth-X presents the third edition of the University Ultra High Net Worth Alumni Rankings. The 2019 edition of this report not only reveals the top universities with wealthy alumni in the U.S. and globally, but also explores the original country of origin for these alumni, how their wealth is made, and focuses on a variety of regional wealthy alumni archetypes from Harvard, Cambridge, and the National University of Singapore.
Further highlights from this unique report include:
- Each of the top global 20 universities have at least 2,000 UHNW alumni, with the top five surpassing 3,000.
- Only three of the top 20 are outside of the U.S.
- At nearly 14,000 UHNW alumni, Harvard tops the list. The university has more than double the UHNW alumni of Stanford and the University of Pennsylvania, in second and third place, respectively.
- Six out of eight Ivy League universities are featured in the top 20 list of U.S. universities for UHNW alumni.
- The vast majority of UHNW alumni from these schools are self-made, mirroring the same trend of this population at-large.
- Columbia University, Northwestern University and Boston University have the highest proportion of female UHNW alumni, at 12%, 11% and 10% respectively.
- Only five public universities in the U.S. make the list, including the University of Texas at Austin, the University of California at Berkeley, and UCLA.
Read about HNW fundraising from non-alumni donors here.
The University Ultra High Net Worth Alumni Rankings 2019 leverages the Wealth-X Database, the world’s most extensive collection of curated research and intelligence on the wealthy, in order to estimate the population and wealth of UHNW alumni by alma-mater.
Download the full University Ultra High Net Worth Alumni Rankings 2019
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